Monday, June 23, 2008

5:28-7:48 AM

(Original Post 2/1/08)

Woke up early today to catch the sunrise. Not long after waking up early I realized I did not need to wake up early. The sun rises at 7:30.

6:10 am
I packed the bike and rode down to the bay. No sun yet, just blue and yellow light outlining the shallow bit of clouds on the horizon. It's a warmer morning than the last few, but minus 5 will still bite at your nose and ears after a short while.

The first rays of sun are starting to break through the clouds and over the horizon. The bay is large, not to mention the entire lake, and as soon as these first pieces of light hit the surface she immediately starts to crack and moan, thunder and echo beneath my feet. You can hear cracks forming miles away, then quickly the sound travels underneath the ice, through the water and you feel it beneath you. Like a train passing by, you hear it approaching, you feel the ice shake beneath you, and then the drumming continues it's journey around the nooks and crannies of the shoreline. It sounds like thunder. The drums of Lake Superior.

But it comes and goes quickly. By 7:30 the whining of snowmobile and car engines can be heard in the distance as business folk, ice fishers, and dandy people go to work...and everything thing is un-thawing from the dark cold night before. It seems all the thoughts of solitude and independence I had while sitting on the ice, waiting for the sun, feeling like a baboon, was just a dream.

Now I look out my window and see that it's snowing again...

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