Monday, June 23, 2008

Rocket Stove

(Original Post 2/8/08)

Today we built a rocket stove.
2 coffee cans

3 soup cans
1 can opener
1 hacksaw or nice scissors or tin snips
1 hammer
1 hour.

M a cut in about 1.5 inches in all the way
around: | / \ | / \ | / \ | / \ .
Or you can make up your own pattern, I really don't care. That is just the one Iake cuts in coffee can on top rim, leaving the bottom intact. Cut this pattern used. You probably don't even need a pattern. You could just make them all straight for all I care.

After the cutting procedure, bend down every third tab. Make sure you leave the: / \ shaped tabs as these will hold your cooking vessel above the flames.

Right here we have a flowered out soup can and the
bottom of the other coffee can. Notice the center of the
coffee can bottom is cut out to the outer diameter of the soup can. Then put the soup can into the center of the coffee bottom.

Leaving the cooking vessel holder tabs in place, set your assembled "flowered soup can" and coffee bottom into the top of the coffee can. Set it on top of the tabs and afterwards fold the other tabs over the top, leaving the vessel holder tabs.

Insert a flattened soup can into the last soup can. This is your fuel holder. Air goes underneath the shelf, fuel goes above.

Now that you've got that done you can start making a ole in the side of your coffee can to insert the fuel holder into. This can be tricky. Take your time and do it right the first time, be careful not to slit your wrist or cut the flap of skin between your thumb and pointer finger. Ouch.

Insert the fuel holder into the coffee can and your done! It takes a little time and practice to get good at using it, but once you get comfortable it's pretty useful. You might need one of these hanging around or you might want to learn how to build one for assorted reasons.


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